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Monday, May 25, 2009

Using TFTP to recover Cisco IOS Image file, and to backup/restore configurations (CNA-04-003)

CCNA Exploration 4.0, Semester 4, "Using TFTP to recover Cisco IOS Image file, and to backup/restore configurations" Packet Tracer 5.0 practice file (CNA-04-003).

This Packet Tracer file is only a simple environment for you to "experience" using TFTP to recover Cisco IOS Image file, and to backup/restore configurations.

However, if you have access to physical real router/switch, especially when you are in a training course, do not waste your chance of practicing! Packet Tracer,as a simulator, is absolutely not comparable to real machines!

For example, it does not simulate all Cisco IOS behaviors. The following Packet Tracer screen captures shows many command option is still missing from the real Cisco 2960 switch.

[In Packet Tracer 5.0]

Cisco-Switch-2960#copy ?
  running-config  Copy from current system configuration
  startup-config  Copy from startup configuration
  tftp:           Copy from tftp: file system
Cisco-Switch-2960#copy tftp: ?
  flash:          Copy to flash: file system
  running-config  Copy configuration from system
  startup-config  Copy startup configuration from system

[In real Cisco 2960 switch]

Cisco-Switch-2960#copy ?
  /erase          Erase destination file system.
  /noverify       Disable automatic image verification after copy
  bs:             Copy from bs: file system
  cns:            Copy from cns: file system
  flash:          Copy from flash: file system
  ftp:            Copy from ftp: file system
  null:           Copy from null: file system
  nvram:          Copy from nvram: file system
  rcp:            Copy from rcp: file system
  running-config  Copy from current system configuration
  startup-config  Copy from startup configuration
  system:         Copy from system: file system
  tftp:           Copy from tftp: file system
  xmodem:         Copy from xmodem: file system
  ymodem:         Copy from ymodem: file system

Cisco-Switch-2960#copy tftp: ?
  flash:          Copy to flash: file system
  null:           Copy to null: file system
  nvram:          Copy to nvram: file system
  running-config  Update (merge with) current system configuration
  startup-config  Copy to startup configuration
  system:         Copy to system: file system


Repeat: simulator is not a replacement of real machine at all!
More videos on Show IP Protocols YouTube Channel.


  1. SolarWinds free TFTP Server is a multi-threaded TFTP server commonly used to upload and download executable images and backup configurations for routers and switches.

  2. I believe the TFTP product you mentioned is:

    To be fair, it is a great product, especially it also works when IOS image size is larger than 32M bytes. Many other TFTP products don't.

    However, I feel quite frustrated to use it because of the unnecessary "Name/Email registration before download" process.

    In my opinion, TFTP server is not rocket science at all. I would like to suggest "Solarwinds" to consider removing such road blocks. "Solarwinds" could get more revenue from other advanced products if people do not get frustrated using one of their products.

    Of course, turning it into an open source project would be an even better idea!

  3. I am doing a lab using packet tracer for CCNA, and I am trying to start the Solar winds TFTP from the connected host, which says to start using to start > programs on the host - which I think is in the lab. Ok - now where do I find start and programs from the packet tracer lab. ??

  4. @Anonymous You wanted to perform "copy tftp" inside this Packet Tracer simulation, sending out to another real, physical PC installed with Solarwinds TFTP software. Am I correct?

    As far as I know of, this is impossible because Packet Tracer is a simulator only, and cannot interact with any outside, real router/switch/servers.

    Inside this simulation, you can click on the server icon to pop up one window. You will locate the "TFTP" application in this window. Of course, this TFTP is also simulated, so it is not "Solarwinds" at all.

    Let me know if I did not answer your question!


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