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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Manual routes only configuration practice (CNA-02-001)

CCNA Exploration 4.0, Semester 2, "Manual routes only configuration" Packet Tracer 5.0 practice file (CNA-02-001).

In this example, we practice adding "manual routes" only, to maintain full connectivity.

The diagram shown in this example is quite simple. However, we will quickly learn in it: if we maintain all the necessary routes manually by hand, we could make a lot of careless mistakes. And the result is only a partially working network. The worst thing is, we have to examine all routers to find out where the problem is!

That's why we have to study so much about "automatic" ways to maintain full connectivity!

Many documents did not explain the following terms clear. In fact:

  • Static means Manual
  • Dynamic means Automatic
We used to choose "Static" and "Dynamic" to call entries in routing table and also those in MAC address table. I suggest "Manual" and "Automatic" would be better and clearer substitutions!
More videos on Show IP Protocols YouTube Channel.

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