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Friday, May 8, 2009

How to get thourgh the economic slow down? You can spend more time to learn!

Open wide and full (DSCN0634)
Open wide and full (DSCN0634),
originally uploaded by Li-Ji.
I believe many people, no matter in what business, or suffering in any condition, would absolutely have more and more "free time"!

From the brighter side of view, it is a great chance for you to "learn"! I would like to give your some advices:

  1. You can spend more time on the Cisco Learning Network. It is a Cisco Official site and so many peoplpe are gathering around discussing and sharing information there about learning and certification.
  2. You may invest yourself, or find sponsorship from your company, to enroll some good training courses. For example, try to type "ccnp course" in the "Google Custom Search" box above every post in my blog to find some good CCNP-related training courses.
  3. Subscribe to my blog by Email, and let me know what contents you want to read! I will devote myself more to write as many useful post as I can!

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