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Friday, May 15, 2009

Redundancy: a great lesson to me!

I believe many you have noticed about some .PKT files and some .JPG files cannot be downloaded or viewed since one day ago. In fact, a serious down time is happening to me my ONLY web hosting provider.

Their attendant of customer service of this provider said they are doing some emergency recovery, and are doing their best, but no ETA (I guess it is Estimated Time of Available)! As the time of this post, the service is still not recover yet! It is already over 24 hours and breaking their 99.9% up time promise!

I have to say sorry for your patience! Because I did not backup some of my important files, some contents would take longer to recover!

I always preached to my students about redundancy in network design . However, I did not do with my contents under this discipline. This time I am having a great (and painful) lessen to me!
More videos on Show IP Protocols YouTube Channel.

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