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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Diffie and Hellman Receive Turing Award 2015

When we study IPSec, we know Mr. Diffie and Mr. Hellman invented a method in year 1976 that is the core of Internet Key Exchange (IKE) to create mutually shared secret. We also have to specify and configure DH Group Number in ISAKMP policy sets (crypto-map in Cisco IOS).

A.M. Turing Award Logo. Captured on ACM Official Website.

I am not going to dig in the details about the mathematics behind Diffie-Hellman method. I just want you to know Mr. Diffie and Mr. Hellman receive Turing Award 2015 together.

Photo of Whitfield Diffie, captured on ACM Official Website.

Photo of Martin E. Hellman, captured on ACM Website.

A.M. Turing Award of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the highest honorable award in computer science just like Nobel Prize for other fields of science.

This was released on March 1, 2016.

One more thing…

In case you want to know more about Diffie-Hellman method, I found one video on YouTube is quite helpful for you to understand it more.

Have fun!

More videos on Show IP Protocols YouTube Channel.

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